Mu­si­cal Cul­tu­res and Di­a­spo­ras in the Bal­kans

8th International Conference of the IMS Regional Association for the Study of Music of the Balkans

Thessaloniki (Griechenland), 31.08.-03.09.2023

Deadline: 15.02.2023

August 31 - September 3, 2023 School for Music Studies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki:

The purpose of the 8th International Conference of the IMS-RASMB is to strengthen the importance of musical and cultural interactions among the countries of the South-East European Region.
Based on the topic Musical Cultures and Diasporas in the Balkans, the conference aims to develop further the already successfully established scientific and cultural dialogues among musicologists primarily from the Balkans, but also from other geographical areas.
The 8th International Conference of the IMS RASMB will bring a major contribution to the mapping of musical cultures and diasporas, both on diachronic and synchronic levels. It could foster the formulation of innovative approaches and promote the interaction, research, discussion and intercultural dialogue among musicologists with an interest in the diverse thematic axes of the conference, emphasising concepts and parameters such as recordings, memories and projections in musical cultures and diasporas, traditions and diversities, new trends through mobility, analytical innovations of the different musical cultures and musical avant-garde in the Mediterranean, Balkans and broader South East European Region.

Organizing Committee:
Evi Nika-Sampson, Professor emerita, School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Member of the Directorium of IMS, Steering Committee of the RASMB
Mirjana Veselinović-Hofman, Professor in the Department of Musicology at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Steering Committee of the RASMB, Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Music Series Musicologica Balcanica
Maria Alexandru, Associate Professor, Head of the School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Kostas Tsougras, Professor, School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Kostas Chardas, Associate Professor, School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Sofia Kontossi, Pianist and Researcher, Adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic American University and the Greek National Opera
Evangelia Spyrakou, Academic staff in the Department of Music Science & Art, University of Macedonia
Matina Gerothanasi, Opera singer and Post-Doctoral Scholar, Adjunct lecturer, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Dimosthenis Spanoudakis, Post-Doctoral Scholar, Adjunct lecturer, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Scientific and Programme Committee:
Diana-Beatrice Andron, Associate Professor, National University of Arts “George Enescu”, Iași
Nicolae Gheorghiță, Professor, National University of Music in Bucharest
Svetlana Kujumdžieva, Professsor, Chair of the Music Division of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Art Studies, Sofia
Katerina Levidou, Assistant Professor, Department of Music Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Alexander Lingas, Professor of Music, School of Communication & Creativity, City, University of London
Melita Milin, Institute for Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade
Tijana Popović Mladjenović, Professor of Musicology, Head of Department of Musicology at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade
Valentina Sandu-Dediu, Professor, Department of Musicology and Education at the National University of Music Bucharest, Rector at the New Europe College in Bucharest, Institute for Advanced Study
Danae Stefanou, Associate Professor, School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Ana Stefanović, Professor at the Department of Musicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts Belgrade
Athanasios Trikoupis, Associate Professor, Department of Music Studies, University of Ioannina
Stanislav Tuksar, Professor, Department of Musicology, Academy of Music, University of Zagreb
Petros Vouvaris, Associate Professor, Department of Music Science & Art, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
Mirjana Zakić, Professor at the Department of Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts Belgrade

December - Call for Papers
February 15, 2023: Submission of proposals
End of February, 2023: Notification of acceptance
May 31, 2023: Final programme

Conference Fees:

Category Early registration until April 30 Late registration until July 31
Participants 80 EUR 120 EUR
PhD Students 50 EUR 70 EUR
Students 30 EUR 50 EUR

Submission guidelines:
Before submitting your proposal, please read below carefully:

  1. Only online submissions will be accepted for consideration. Submission via email and other means will not be considered.
  2. The language of conference will be English.
  3. You may submit no more than one proposal for each of the four categories of presentation: free papers, roundtables, workshops and posters.
  4. Proposals of 250-300 words for free papers and posters and of no more than 450-500 words for roundtables, workshops should be submitted in an MS Word and a PDF file via our submission page.
  5. For roundtables only the coordinator/chair needs to submit a proposal.

Submitting your proposal please note to give:

  • title
  • indication of format
  • proposer’s name
  • proposer’s affiliation
  • names and affiliations of any additional participants
  • contact email
  • AV (audio-visual) requirements
  • a short bio or bios of the participants (max. 15 lines)
  • abstract
  • keywords

Please submit your proposal here

For further questions please contact

Postal address:

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Fine Arts
School of Music Studies
Postal Code 54124 University Campus
Thessaloniki – Greece