Ope­ning the Doors to the Art and Sci­ence of Mu­sic

Ljubljana, 24.-25.11.2022

Deadline: 15.09.2022

The Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana would like to invite you to participate in the International Scientific Symposium entitled


The Symposium will take place on 24 and 25 November 2022 at the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana.

The international scientific symposium will celebrate the relocation of the Academy of Music from the Stiška Manor to the renovated premises of the Kazina Palace, Ljubljana, Slovenia. We will link the artistic research in various musical disciplines with scientific research in the field of music education and related scientific disciplines. The two-day symposium will present papers that address current topics in the musical arts and music education which relate to the music and artistic research as a whole and explore their interdisciplinary connections, as well as to music and general education, lifelong learning, various forms of non-formal learning and musical engagement. The symposium title is also linked to the preparations for the implementation of the new PhD programme in Arts, which is in the process of being accredited.

We kindly invite artists, scholars and experts from various fields of music and music education and related interdisciplinary fieldsto participate and present their papers.

The languages of the symposium are Slovenian and English. The deadline to submit the title of the paper with an abstract of up to 300 words and keywords is 15 September 2022.

All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed and authors will receive feedback on their submission on 30 September 2022. Authors, whose titles will be approved, will be invited to submit their full papers by 4 November 2022, as this will give them the opportunity to have them published in the 37th volume of Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani / The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana (ISSN 2712-3987 – Online Edition).

Please send any questions regarding the symposium to the following e-mail address: Branka.RotarPance@ag.uni-lj.si

On behalf of the Symposium Organising Committee and the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana, I look forward to warmly welcome you in Ljubljana.