Time across Bor­ders in Mu­sic The­a­tre

IMS2022 Congress

22.-26.08.2022, Athens 

Deadline: 15.09.2021

The mission of the International Musicological Society (IMS) is to connect every musicologist to the world community of musicology by embracing the study of music in all its diversity and advancing musicological research across the globe in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration. 

Study Group “Temporalities in Music Theater,”

On behalf of the steering committee members of the IMS Study Group “Temporalities in Music Theater,” Kunio Hara, Laura Moeckli, and Colleen Renihan, we would like to bring to your attention the CFP for the meeting “Time across Borders in Music Theatre” at the IMS2022 Congress:

What can be revealed by turning our attention to the ways that music theater’s temporal structures negotiate borders and boundaries? How do approaches to, and representations of, time in music theater engage with cultural/ geographical/ historical/ representational and/or theoretical borders? How do different times, temporal frameworks, or ontologies of time come to be expressed in music theater?

We see the study of temporality in music theatre as a rich site of inquiry vis-à-vis the IMS2022 theme of “Music across Borders.” Time is a flexible, porous, mutable force that composers, performers, and creators of music theatre have wielded, challenged, explored, and exploited in many ways across the globe and throughout history.

The IMS Study Group “Temporalities in Music Theater” invites proposals from scholars working across all music theatre genres for brief 10-minute papers that address some aspects of these questions, to be circulated in advance of the conference, and taken up in discussion at the IMS2022 meeting. The meeting itself will be devoted to presentations of the six 10-min. papers chosen by the conveners, followed by thematic discussions that involve the entire group.

Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words. Please also include a biography of 100 words to colleen.renihan@queensu.ca by September 15, 2021. Please note that this CFP is separate from the IMS’s own CFP, and submissions to this session do not affect eligibility for acceptance to the larger IMS conference