Ju­ni­or Scholar Ope­ra Con­fe­rence

Bayreuth, 24.-25.06.2021

Deadline: 15.01.2021

10.12.2020 | Due to the Corona pandemic the tosc@bayreuth conference will be postponed to June 2022. The
Call for Papers will be reopened in July 2021. In order to allow junior scholars to be able to present
their work in 2021 we introduce the Junior Scholar Opera Conference, taking place on June 24 and
June 25, 2021 as a video conference (synchronous presentations and discussion via Zoom). This
conference will be also hosted by the University of Bayreuth.

The Programme Committee welcomes proposals for individual papers (20 minutes long, with 10
minutes for discussion) from junior scholars who started their doctoral research in 2011 or later.
We invite submission on any subject related to opera and other forms of musical and music
theatre. Presentations which integrate performative aspects, or other atypical formats, are
welcome. Methodologies may be varied, traversing disciplines and perspectives: verbal text,
music, drama, performance, interpretation, declamation, painting, scenography, dance, staging,
stage technology, cinema, photography, video, television, radio, digital arts, as well as reception,
historiography, economics, ecology, opera and society, opera and the media, opera and the other
arts, etc.

Proposals (maximum 350 words) may be submitted in English, French, German or Italian. They must
include the following:
– author’s full name, – country and institution, – CV (including information about the start of
doctoral research), – e-mail address, – paper title, – abstract.
Papers may be given in English.

Typically, an academic abstract should include a clear statement of the topic and research
question(s), contextualised within existing knowledge; a summary of the argument, evidence and
conclusions; and an explanation of why the topic and findings are important. Abstracts should thus
include all necessary information that will allow the Programme Committee to evaluate the paper’s
quality and originality and its potential as an oral presentation.

Proposals must be submitted as attachments by email as a Word file (“.doc” or “.docx” – not “.pdf”)

by 15 January 2021

Everyone submitting a proposal will be sent a confirmation email; if you do not receive a notification
within six days, please resend the proposal. All abstracts will be anonymised before being evaluated
by the Programme Committee. Do not include any information in your abstract that could reveal
your identity (such as “As I have shown in my earlier article…”).

All those who have submitted a proposal will be notified of the outcome by the beginning of May
2021. Following acceptance by the Programme Committee, there will be an opportunity to revise
abstracts before their publication in the conference programme.

- 15 January 2021: Deadline for the candidates’ submissions
- Early April 2021: Announcement of the results
- 24–25 June 2021: Junior Scholar Opera Conference

Programme Committee
Luisa Cymbron (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), Nils Grosch (Universität Salzburg), Kordula Knaus
(Universität Bayreuth), Gundula Kreutzer (Yale University), Raphaëlle Legrand (Université Paris-
Sorbonne), Isabelle Moindrot (Université Paris 8), Anno Mungen (Universität Bayreuth) and
Benjamin Walton (University of Cambridge)
Kordula Knaus and Anno Mungen are also the conference organizers.