“The­a­tre Sound (as) Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on: Dis­tri­bu­ted crea­ti­ons, sha­red agen­cies”

München & Online




Wednesday, 13 Sept.
14:15-18:00: Theatre through Sound: From Mega Musicals to Digital Minutiae
(with SK Shlomo, Rebecca Applin Warner, Dan Scott, Natalia Kowalska-Elkader, Magdalena Figzał-Janikowska)

Thursday, 14 Sept.
10:00-13:00: Voice as Collaboration
(with Chiara Guidi, Niki Neecke, Francesco Bentivegna, Alex Nowitz, Cathy van Eck)

14:30-18:00: Collaboration in Sound Design and Music Composition for Theatre
(with discussion of audio papers by Alyson Campbell (Melbourne) and Meta Cohen (Melbourne), Victoria (toy) Deiorio (Chicago), Jimmy Eadie (Dublin), Maciej Guzy (Krakow), Demetris Zavros (Liverpool). and Persis Jadé Maravala, Jorge Lopes Ramos and Gareth Fry)

Friday, 15 Sept.
9:00-13:00: Sound in Revisited Theatre Stagings
(with Anna Burzyńska, Ursula Kramer, Peter Kiefer, Andrea Valle, Dorothea Volz, Irene Lehmann, Arturas Bumsteinas, Salomé Voegelin)

To participate, please email theatermusik@lrz.uni-muenchen.de to register your interest. Please let us know, if you intend to take part in person or online. The conference is free of charge, but we advise to arrange your travel and accommodation early. Links for Zoom will be sent to all registered participant nearer the start of the conference.
The Audio Papers on Composition and Sound Design discussed on Thursday can be listened to ahead of time. Check the website.