Se­ni­or Lec­tur­er in Mu­si­co­lo­gy (m/w/d)

Uppsala, Department of Musicology

Deadline: 15.05.2024

The Department of Musicology conducts research and education on the music of different time periods and cultures from historical, aesthetic, and cultural studies perspectives. The department has long had a focus on music history, music theory and analysis, but we also offer education and research in e.g. ethnomusicology, world music and popular music.


The successful applicant will be expected to teach and conduct research in musicology. The teaching applies to courses given at all levels (candidate, master and doctoral) at the department, including supervision. Responsibilities for a successful applicant include leadership, planning and administration of teaching. It may also include responsibilities such as program coordinator, director of studies and other types of administrative work. The successful candidate is expected to follow developments in the field of musicology and aspects of society at large that may affect work at the university.

Eligibility requirements

An applicant is eligible for employment as Senior Lecturer if she/he has completed a doctorate in musicology, or possesses equivalent academic qualifications, and has demonstrated good teaching ability. The pedagogical and scholarly expertise and skills must be relevant to the terms and duties of employment as outlined above.

A condition for the determination of the necessary pedagogical expertise is that the applicant has completed relevant higher education teacher training comprising at least ten weeks, or has in some other way acquired equivalent qualifications. In special cases, the higher education teacher training may be completed during the first two years of employment. Possibility to take on the role of supervisor for Ph.D. students is subject to having completed training in supervision at doctoral level.

Documented ability of teaching and administration in Swedish and English is required.

Furthermore, eligibility depends on the personal qualities of applicants to meet the demands of the position in relation to flexibility, conscientiousness and collaborative skills.

Assessment criteria for applicants who fulfil the requirements for eligibility

In the assessment of those deemed eligible to apply, special importance will be given to scholarly and pedagogical proficiency. These two considerations will be given equal priority. Furthermore, proficiency in leadership and administration will also be considered.

Scholarly qualifications

The assessment of research qualifications will first and foremost consider scholarly excellence. Assessment will also consider the extent, scope and breadth of the candidates’ research and publications. Ability to plan, initiate, lead and develop research and education at doctoral level will be considered as significant, as well as ability to obtain research funding in competition. Demonstrated ability to interact both within academic circles and with culture and society will be considered.

Pedagogical qualifications

Pedagogical proficiency will be assessed from the qualifications of teaching and education. In addition to academic teaching experience, teaching and education from other lines of work may be applicable, e.g. in relation to supervision or mentoring programmes. In assessing the pedagogical proficiency of candidates, the excellence of teaching will primarily be considered, but also the extent, scope and breadth of teaching.

Further to teaching and supervision, the ability to initiate, plan, lead and develop education and teaching will be considered, alongside the ability to link teaching to research, as well as experience from didactics or higher education pedagogics. The ability to interact in pedagogical issues within and outside the university will also be counted towards pedagogical qualifications.

Administrative, leadership and outreach qualifications

Proficiency in administration, leadership and outreach activities is significant for the position, and will be considered in the assessment of candidates.

All qualifications and experience within research, teaching and administration must be documented and presented so that both quality and extent may be assessed.

The University will in the recruitment for this position primarily consider the candidate who after an assessment of all factors outlined above is deemed to be best equipped to take on and develop the duties linked to the position, and who will seem suited to contribute to a positive development of teaching and research.  

Further information

Parental leave, part-time work due to family duties, union responsibilities, compulsory military service and similar occupations may count towards the assessment of work experience and should be specified among qualifications in the application.

Outline of application

All qualifications must be well documented and presented so that both quality and extent may be assessed. The application should include the following:

  • Brief outline of scholarly, pedagogical and other qualifications (CV)
  • Candidate’s own account for scholarly merits and experience
  • List of publications
  • Candidate’s own account for pedagogical merits and experience
  • Candidate’s own account for other relevant qualifications and merit
  • A list of scholarly and/or pedagogical pieces of work (publications) that is to be specifically considered
  • A self-reflective account of future research, pedagogical work and other planned work.
  • Degree diplomas, transcript of records and other relevant documents in support of application
  • Name and contact details of maximum two referees to support the application

For further information see the Appointment regulations for Uppsala university and the Faculty of Arts' supplementary guidelines.

Questions concerning the formal recruitment process may be addressed to head of department Dr. Per-Henning Olsson (0046) 018-471 78 87, per‑

About the position

The position is permanent (probationary period may apply) and with 100% activity (full-time). The exact time of assuming office for the successful applicant may be negotiated. The position is based in Uppsala.

Plase submit your application by the 15th of May 2024, UFV-PA 2023/4294.

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Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services.

Submit your application through Uppsala University's recruitment system.

Placement: Department of Musicology
Type of employment: Full time , Permanent position
Number of positions: 1
Working hours: 100%
Town: Uppsala
County: Uppsala län
Country: Sweden
Union representative: Seko Universitetsklubben
Number of reference: UFV-PA 2023/4294
Last application date: 2024-05-15

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