PhD po­si­ti­on in mu­sic co­gni­ti­on

Wien, Universität

Deadline: 25.09.2024

This position is funded for 3 years by an Austrian Science Fund grant. The PhD candidate will be involved in all stages of a highly interdisciplinary research project concerned with the neurocognition of music and language, with a focus on syntax, prediction, and cultural evolution. Supervisors are Tudor Popescu (Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology) and Tecumseh Fitch (Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Biology). There are no teaching obligations.

Candidates are expected to have a quantitative background (e.g. psychology, neuroscience, biology, engineering, etc.), with solid knowledge of programming, and interest in the neural bases of music perception. Also required are analysis skills in one of the project's planned methods (MRIbrain stimulationpupillometry). Knowledge in any of music cognition's theoretical and computational frameworks is strongly desirable. Knowledge of German is not essential.

Informal enquiries prior to application can be directed to the project's PI, at Application deadline is 25th September 2024 and the position is expected to start in November 2024 or soon after. Details of the position can be found at