Re­sea­rch As­si­stant in Di­gi­tal Hu­ma­ni­ties (60%)

Basel, School of Music

Deadline 15.10.2023

School of Music Basel FHNW, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis

Diversity at the university - we seek differentness

Your tasks

We are looking for a Research Assistant for the SNF project “Carmina Burana Online” at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (4 years / 48 months). The project aims to produce a digital edition, a musicological study and a practical exploration of the Codex Buranus (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 4660-4660a) and the medieval transmission of the so-called Carmina Burana. The project will start in January 2024.
As part of a team of four, you will be responsible for the project’s IT aspects. 

  • You will create and develop the website and the database of the project, which will be hosting the digital edition giving access to the texts, music texts, and digital images of the sources, as well as audio and video materials documenting the outcomes of the project. 
  • You will take part in the digital edition by encoding the texts and music in TEI-MEI from existing transcriptions and editions.

Your profile

  • You have recently completed a master’s degree in digital humanities applied to music and musicology. 
  • You can rely on practical experience with databases and digital editions, TEI-MEI encoding, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, XQuery, and related tools and software. 
  • You have excellent skills in oral and written English and good skills in at least one of the following languages: French, German, Italian. 
  • You have excellent teamwork and communication skills.

Your prospects:

The Schola Cantorum Basiliensis offers an inspiring environment for practice-oriented research in the field of early music and historically informed performance practice. You will work in an international, transdisciplinary and cooperative team. The employment conditions allow for flexible working hours and locations.

Your benefits:

  • Cultural programme of lectures, concerts, theatre and film
  • Established implementation of equal pay
  • Annual working hours and time allowance for further education, administration and university development
  • Annual working time (42 hours/week) with the option of part-time and teleworking
  • Wide range of internal and external continuing education opportunities

Start Date: per 01.01.2024, ending on 31.12.2027.

Apply online

Your workplace

Hochschule für Musik Basel FHNW
Leonhardsstrasse 6
4009 Basel

Any questions?

About the position:
Christelle Cazaux, Research Fellow, Contact:

About the recruiting process:
Nadja Sele, HR Manager, Contact:

Will you soon belong to our team? We look forward to your application until October 15, 2023.