Tenure-track po­si­ti­on (open rank) in the De­part­ment of Mu­sic Theo­ry, Com­po­si­ti­on & Con­duc­ting

Jerusalem, Academy of Music and Dance

Deadline: 05.12.2021

The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance invites applications for a

full-time tenure-track position (open rank) in the Department of Music Theory, Composition & Conducting

and welcomes applications from candidates who specialize in composition.

The position is open to all candidates with a doctoral degree and proven artistic and academic potential.
Responsibilities include the teaching of the hardcore courses at the department (music theory, orchestration, improvisation), elective courses on both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the candidate’s field(s) of expertise, and providing individual instruction in composition. Successful candidates are expected to conduct artistic and research activity on an international level, demonstrate academic leadership, compete for Israeli and international prizes and grants, and should display an ability to work cooperatively with colleagues. Preference will be given to the candidates with expertise in electronic music.
The languages of instruction are Hebrew and English.

For further details, please contact liraz@jamd.ac.il.

Applicants should provide:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Doctoral diploma or official confirmation of eligibility
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Current list of performed compositions
  5. Statement of research and teaching philosophy
  6. Links to personal website or recordings
  7. Three letters of recommendation (at least one in the area of teaching).

Applications should be submitted to: compositionsearch@jamd.ac.il, meeting the deadline December 5, 2021