Short-Term Re­sea­rch Fel­low­ships

Deadline: 05.01.2023

The Friends of Music Society is pleased to announce a new short-term fellowships programme that will be awarded to THREE (3) RESEARCHERS for conducting short-term research (up to two months) at the Greek Music Archive and the Collection of the Music Library of Greece “Lilian Voudouri”. The outcome of this research (article, book chapter, online content etc.) should be readily available.

Further information about the Greek Music Archive and the Collections of the Music Library of Greece “Lilian Voudouri” can be obtained here ( and here (

Scholars of high calibre who will be applying need to possess a PhD (or equivalent) or have substantial research output and an impressive publications track record to prove it. The Friends of Music Society is offering office space, full access to databases and all the Library’s collections and archival material and 1000 Euros as financial support for each researcher.

Researchers who will receive the fellowship will be stationed in Athens and spend at least 20 hours per week at the premises of the Music Library throughout the duration of the fellowship.

Fellowships are open for both Greek and foreign scholars.


Scholars should submit the following by Thursday 5 January 2023 to the email:
1) An application letter that will include the proposed project plan along with a research timetable (up to 1500 words).
2) A detailed CV that will include all contact information

For more information about the Short-Term Fellowships programme: The Friends of Music Society, Vasilissis Sophias and Kokkali 1, Athens, 11521 Greece, tel. 0030-2107282567,

For any questions regarding the Collections of the Music Library please contact: Mrs Stephanie Merakos (

For any questions regarding the Greek Music Archive please contact: Mrs Valia Vraka (

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