Pre­ser­va­tion of the Ukrain­i­an mu­sic­al cul­tur­al her­it­age

At the instigation of GfM and RISM, the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in Kiev and the library of the National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts in Kharkiv are receiving funding from the Ukraine Art Aid Centre (UAAC), which is funded by the German government. The Ukrainian institutions will be provided with high-performance scanners and computers as well as funds for the personnel required for digitisation. The holdings to be prioritised for protection include music manuscripts and rare prints from the 12th century onwards in Kiev, as well as autographs and prints of 20th century Ukrainian music in Kharkiv. External data backup and bibliographical cataloguing is provided by the SLUB Dresden, and the majority of the materials are indexed in the RISM database. As far as legally possible, the Ukrainian sources are published as the Digital Collection Ukraine on the SLUB Dresden homepage. The total funding amounts to 100,000 euros.

We are delighted that the funding has been approved and wish our Ukrainian partners a swift and smooth cataloguing of their valuable holdings.